Oooooh! Words cannot express. But I will give it the old college try.
Coffee at Starbucks before we leave rainy Eau Claire. Happy B-Day Annie & Mom.
Color Crossing: Wonderful little yarn store in Roberts. Who knew. Totally do able trip from EC. Lots of yarn. A totally delish purple color of Katmandu (we did not let CT buy it). A lovely book selection. I picked up Interweave Press new sock book. What fun. Wonderful patterns.
Cafe Latte: The MN people were hiding in their warm dry homes to we got a Kick A** parking spot (yeah CT). Lunch at the GA Cafe, always delightful. I wish they would s
hare their recipes.

The Yarnery: Two doors down from the GA Cafe. Koigu! I only left with three skeins of Koigu in what would call a very vibrant color. BUT . . . they had Fleece Artist Sock Yarn. WOW. I could not decide what color to get, I finally decided on a beautiful moss green.
Borealis Yarns: (St Paul) A new store for us. We were totally psyched (attached coffee shop). The first thing I spotted as we entered was a basket full of Cherry Tree Hill Sock Yarn. I fell to my knees in wild abandon. Then as I was up to my arms in sock yarn, one of the sales people very casually mentioned that if I went to the back room there would be a whole wall of sock yarn! Be still my heart. Throwing caution to the wind I literally ran to the back room and low and behold. A whole wall of sock yarn. I would like to mention that it really was a joyous experience to stand there with my cup of coffee and fondle yarn. I picked up a couple of skeins of Claudia Hand Painted Sock Yarn. The sales girls were lovely, and encouraged us to go, where we said we would never go again.
Three Kittens: Under new ownership! Wow what a transformation. We will definitely go back there again. More Koigu in an awesome green speckled color. The color I really wanted they only had one skein of, but they gladly took my order and will send it to me post haste when the shipment arrives. The yarn was neat and orderly and was their book section. Unbelievable. I can't believe it was the same shop.
Next cities trip "Depth of Field Yarn." And we check on something called the Yarn Garage . . .
1 comment:
Nice job CB, I have checked the blog 6,000 times today waiting for the post.
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