Thank you fellow guilders for the lovely and thoughtful birthday cake and gift certificate to TB.
What's a girl to do, but shop and knit. The only thing better would be to shop and knit on the Island!
Thank you very much, maybe the Guild can gather and help me spend my gift!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Oh, Oh!
Arrived home on Saturday afternoon. Two thirds of the way home I decided I was not feeling very good. Getting sick. How intuitive of me! The BOY and arrived home about 2:30. I took a shower and went to bed with the chills and nausea. In the middle of the night, The Boy got it. We both spent Sunday sleeping. Not a great day by any means.
I am off to work this a.m., The BOY, will remain home. He is supremely unhappy about it. Does not want to miss anymore school. BTW, I need to inform his history teacher that I overheard The Boy discussing his Vietnam class with some relatives, he was expounding on how much he has learned and that it was an enjoyable class (you didn't hear it from me.)
Is GT still here? Or has the she traveled north already???? Two projects, she is such an overachiever, makes the rest of us look bad. And now she is doing cables?
Well I need to go dry my hair and get dressed. Which will use up about all the energy I have. Have not knit at all . . . :-(
I am off to work this a.m., The BOY, will remain home. He is supremely unhappy about it. Does not want to miss anymore school. BTW, I need to inform his history teacher that I overheard The Boy discussing his Vietnam class with some relatives, he was expounding on how much he has learned and that it was an enjoyable class (you didn't hear it from me.)
Is GT still here? Or has the she traveled north already???? Two projects, she is such an overachiever, makes the rest of us look bad. And now she is doing cables?
Well I need to go dry my hair and get dressed. Which will use up about all the energy I have. Have not knit at all . . . :-(
Friday, November 24, 2006
Black Friday
Ok, so the big T-day is over. All went well at the Taylor house. The food was good and the company was fun. Z and J had to work at 5:30 this morning. I baked 60 peach sour cream muffins for him to take to work. The girls and I hit the mall, (yes, I went to the mall!) at 8. It was not busy. We walked right up at Old Navy, no waiting. We were done bargain hunting by 11:30. I guess I go to the wrong stores because it was not nuts out there. I did not know I needed so much stuff. I wish TB had a deal today.
GT has finished a pair of pretty pink mittens for anther college friend. That is 2 projects in one break. I continue to plug along on my scarf and cardigan.
The dog from HE*&^ is still here and still up to no good, now he has added flipping the garbage to his resume. Lovely beast!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and day after. When does the guild meet again?
GT has finished a pair of pretty pink mittens for anther college friend. That is 2 projects in one break. I continue to plug along on my scarf and cardigan.
The dog from HE*&^ is still here and still up to no good, now he has added flipping the garbage to his resume. Lovely beast!
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and day after. When does the guild meet again?
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Thanks NK
A big guild thank you to NK for teaching GT and I to cable this afternoon. You can always count on the guild!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
One sock finished!
Short report, one deer dead (my brother's), one sock finished, Ryan saw a BIG deer, could not get a shot at it (very depressed).
Other than that nothing much is new. Ron and kids are doing fine. Megan runs a tight ship, yeah Meg!
Have not touched the top down cardigan . . . focusing on socks. Miss you all! Take care.
Other than that nothing much is new. Ron and kids are doing fine. Megan runs a tight ship, yeah Meg!
Have not touched the top down cardigan . . . focusing on socks. Miss you all! Take care.
The tie that binds
Clearly CB is the glue holding the guild together. Since she is out of circulation, the communication has been very limited. I eagerly check the blog hoping to hear from anyone, but alas, nothing.
GB and I went to TB yesterday and she bought yarn for hats and mittens for her college friends. She is more than half done with a "Where's Waldo" inspired hat. I am about half done with my scarf for the scarf project. Should finish it up during the holiday. I did knit 4 rows on the cardigan last night, slow going, but going.
The he&* dog is still here, biting and pooping. Anyone who dies this week won't have to worry about going to hedouble hockeysticks, Satan is here on vacation, enjoying himself, pooping through out my house, so he can't admit anyone new.
GB and I went to TB yesterday and she bought yarn for hats and mittens for her college friends. She is more than half done with a "Where's Waldo" inspired hat. I am about half done with my scarf for the scarf project. Should finish it up during the holiday. I did knit 4 rows on the cardigan last night, slow going, but going.
The he&* dog is still here, biting and pooping. Anyone who dies this week won't have to worry about going to hedouble hockeysticks, Satan is here on vacation, enjoying himself, pooping through out my house, so he can't admit anyone new.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
CB Beware!
Hey CB, I am to the point where you divide for sleeves on the top down cardigan. Make sure you take it off at 80 stitches and try it on. You put 20 stitches on under each arm, so 80 is plenty big. Better to test it than to have to rip.
Finished the 2nd clog with the Galaway I bought, looks the same, so that project is done. I think I will start another pair of clogs tomorrow for my a Christmas gift...I think.
Have a nice time at your parents. I hope the boy gets a deer.
Finished the 2nd clog with the Galaway I bought, looks the same, so that project is done. I think I will start another pair of clogs tomorrow for my a Christmas gift...I think.
Have a nice time at your parents. I hope the boy gets a deer.
Friday, November 17, 2006
On Line
I am my brother's for a little bit. Checked my email and decided to check the blog. Woot Woot! NK is on line. Yeah. Only ASJ left.
CT, WOW, you certainly are optimistic! I am so glad that your yarn matched. Check that off your list. You and NK have fun tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about it. Check out all the new yarn for me! Especially anything green.
Have fun girls.
CT, WOW, you certainly are optimistic! I am so glad that your yarn matched. Check that off your list. You and NK have fun tomorrow. I can't wait to hear about it. Check out all the new yarn for me! Especially anything green.
Have fun girls.
The wrist is better
Can't wait to sit and knit with my wrist feeling 100% better! Soon I will be able to knit like the wind and finish some of my projects. Then I will be able to start the ones with the wonderful yarn that I got during the yarn hop.
I will have to finish tons before I get the next wrist done in Dec. Then watch out!
Have a wonderful and knitful weekend.
Live to knit and knit to live.
I will have to finish tons before I get the next wrist done in Dec. Then watch out!
Have a wonderful and knitful weekend.
Live to knit and knit to live.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Honestly, I think that if I work hard and hit the yarn shops I can be a player in this whole knitting game. Honeslty, the advice CB gave me to get yarn to match the sheep herder stuff was good advice (she must be a hard worker). I finished the clog and the galaway I bought matches so perfectly (honestly) that I can knit the second clog. You know, this whole guild thing is a team effort, and honestly, I think the guild can be successful next summer on the Island. I think if we hit the yarn shops, put in the time and work together, there is no project too difficult for us. Honestly. I have high expectations for the guild next summer.
CB: have fun, but don't for get to work hard
NK: I know you work hard, that is what makes you a team leader
AJ: Honestly, I don't know what the guild would do without your leadership.
CB: have fun, but don't for get to work hard
NK: I know you work hard, that is what makes you a team leader
AJ: Honestly, I don't know what the guild would do without your leadership.
Ta Ta for now!
Well, I am not even close to being ready to go up north. But hopefully by tomorrow morning all of my ducks will be in a row. Here's hoping anyway. Football Banquet tonight, laundry and packing. I hope to be on the road by 9:30/10:00 tomorrow, if I can manage to get it all done.
I do have my knitting packed, top down cardigan, slippers, sock, lace scarf, and plenty of dish rag yarn when I get frustrated with all of the former items. The important stuff is packed.
CT & NK have fun on Saturday. NK looking forward to my knitting backwards lesson when I return. I will call when I get back in town. I can always leave the BOY if need be and head home. Donna & Dan will be there on Thursday and give the BOY a ride home.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving (w/or w/out company). ;-)
I do have my knitting packed, top down cardigan, slippers, sock, lace scarf, and plenty of dish rag yarn when I get frustrated with all of the former items. The important stuff is packed.
CT & NK have fun on Saturday. NK looking forward to my knitting backwards lesson when I return. I will call when I get back in town. I can always leave the BOY if need be and head home. Donna & Dan will be there on Thursday and give the BOY a ride home.
Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving (w/or w/out company). ;-)
- CT, have a wonderful B-day, if you are celebrating it next week! Try not to finish the sweater before I return, please.
- ASJ take it easy and rest your back.
- NK, knit on!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
CT is online
Woot! Woot! The Guild's tech support staff is amazing. I too am now on line as ME! :) As for my knitting career, I finished the socks for my MIL and they look great. They are more or less the same size, how cool is that! I have begun the seed stitch on the cardigan. No word from our sheep herding friend, so he was not ever really our friend. :( Getting ready to cast on some more clogs and maybe another multidirectional scarf! Knit to live, live to knit!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
'round and 'round
I (I guess I should say we) quickly got the house in order for housekeeper day, then off I went, round and round on the foot of my sock. I will probably finish on Wednesday, her birthday is Thursday. In my mind that is on time. I am anxious to get back to my top down cardigan and felted clogs. Not to mention a multidirectional scarf! So much knitting and so little time!
NK I hope you are feeling better, I am downtown today, so I will be out of touch!
NK I hope you are feeling better, I am downtown today, so I will be out of touch!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, Monday . . .
The week is looking pretty booked. This will be the only night at home to knit. And what I am doing, typing a blog entry!
The patient seems to be recovering nicely. He is behaving, at least from what I can tell. He won't be back to work until after Christmas.
I took the top down cardigan to work and had the Yarn Teacher look at it. I had to rip the rest of it to the first row of the seed stitch. Grrrr. Actually, this past weekend I was thinking, a cable would be cool instead of seed stitch (not my favorite). So the YT says to me "You know a cable going down the front would be really cool." My thoughts exactly. So maybe I will scratch the seed stitch and come up with a ten stitch cable instead. Mirrored of course! We'll see. YT and myself are going to check our E. Lavold books to see what we can come up with. I won't have to feel guilty about not working on it for awhile, while I come up with another plan of attack. So back to the sock, and the scarf (I haven't touched it in months), slippers, etc.
I did hear from NK today. She was not feeling well. I hope she is doing better by this evening (she was having a hard time keeping toast down)! CT has started a new quarter, and ASJ entered her first blog today!!! Also CT does have a birthday coming up, lest she should think we have forgotten (never gonna happen).
The patient seems to be recovering nicely. He is behaving, at least from what I can tell. He won't be back to work until after Christmas.
I took the top down cardigan to work and had the Yarn Teacher look at it. I had to rip the rest of it to the first row of the seed stitch. Grrrr. Actually, this past weekend I was thinking, a cable would be cool instead of seed stitch (not my favorite). So the YT says to me "You know a cable going down the front would be really cool." My thoughts exactly. So maybe I will scratch the seed stitch and come up with a ten stitch cable instead. Mirrored of course! We'll see. YT and myself are going to check our E. Lavold books to see what we can come up with. I won't have to feel guilty about not working on it for awhile, while I come up with another plan of attack. So back to the sock, and the scarf (I haven't touched it in months), slippers, etc.
I did hear from NK today. She was not feeling well. I hope she is doing better by this evening (she was having a hard time keeping toast down)! CT has started a new quarter, and ASJ entered her first blog today!!! Also CT does have a birthday coming up, lest she should think we have forgotten (never gonna happen).
ASJ is on line!
Ms Technowizard, CB, has successfully navigated me to not only view the blog, but to actually write on the blog. Voila! I'll have to double my time at TLC now so that I'll be able to post a lot of blog. So, about my knitting: I am almost finished with the "wedding afghan" (wedding was last summer, but it's too hot to make an afghan in the summer) but my last skein of yarn doesn't quite "match" - guess it must be from a different dye lot. (Big mistake to purchase yarn without Guild assistance.) So, I'll have to do a little frogging and then see if I can't find more yarn in the right dye lot, OR maybe they won't notice the subtle color change, OR maybe the wedding afghan will have to be a small one. OR they'll just have to have children quickly and then it can be a baby afghan. The Smile sweater is still in hiding after having been totally ripped.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Not so much
The baby shower and "Singing in Wisconsin" sucked up all my knitting time. I did see my needles woefully peeking out at me from my bag (wooden ones at that, I threw something over them before Sadie saw them). That was about it. Hopefully today I can get some knitting done. I did go to YD and get needles to replace the one Sadie Blue chewed up on me. So I can now work on my Norwegian mitten.
Too bad we missed the Winter Farmers Market. I wonder how much yarn was there. I think ASJ was there. But then again, I still have not knit anything with the yarn I bought from the last two Winter Farmers Markets I have been too. Stash enhancement!
Too bad we missed the Winter Farmers Market. I wonder how much yarn was there. I think ASJ was there. But then again, I still have not knit anything with the yarn I bought from the last two Winter Farmers Markets I have been too. Stash enhancement!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Woe is me....
A lovely weekend for knitting, but not me! I had to go to class last night and all day today. I bet you are dying to know the riveting topic of this GRADUATE level course.....the importance of the deptartment store to the revitalization of downtown. Now, what exactly does that mean? I don't know, but I missed out on several good hours of knitting. Hours I will never get back. Grrrr.
Hope you all had a lovely and knitful Saturday (just like "W" I can make up words!).
Hope you all had a lovely and knitful Saturday (just like "W" I can make up words!).
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Rip It
So the seed stitch is not seed stitch on one side. So I must rip. Tomorrow. I did knit on the sock, (I love socks), and read. Took Ronbo and Sadie for a short walk this morning. I don’t think we will be walking tomorrow, accumulating snow. No way! I’d prefer that didn’t happen.
Currently Ronbo is napping. Recovery seems to be going well. He gets tired of sitting in the same position all the time, but hopefully that will change in the coming weeks.
I did bop down to YD today and replaced the number 3 needles, 6 inch that the dog chewed up. Grrrr. As I dropped them into the knitting basket I informed her not to touch them and gave her a new chew bone. Just in case she is tempted.
Currently Ronbo is napping. Recovery seems to be going well. He gets tired of sitting in the same position all the time, but hopefully that will change in the coming weeks.
I did bop down to YD today and replaced the number 3 needles, 6 inch that the dog chewed up. Grrrr. As I dropped them into the knitting basket I informed her not to touch them and gave her a new chew bone. Just in case she is tempted.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Thoughts of the Island
I found myself thinking of The Island today. There is too much to do and not enough time to knit. We need more time to knit, knitting makes me happy. Perhaps tonight while I watch the election returns I will knit.
Glad to hear Ronbo is on the mend and NK doing well. Instead of whining, I should think of others.
Glad to hear Ronbo is on the mend and NK doing well. Instead of whining, I should think of others.
A Twofer!
Two posts, one day. Took the patient for a walk. Check the incision, helped him shower, re-bandaged him, put a movie in for him and he is now out like a light. No Vicodan today. Only Advil. The shower was interesting; remind me to tell you about it sometime!
My books from Amazon came, "Moon Over Madeline Island" and "Return to Madeline Island." Both about a woman who moved from Eau Claire to Madeline Island. That reminds me, I need to buy a lottery ticket!
So this afternoon is knit and read, not necessarily in that order. I have started the pearl stitch on the sweater. I am not sure it looks right so it is on hold until I can confer with the guild. Threade Bear is open late on Thursday's (I think), should we plan a joint venture????
Hope all my knitting friends are having a good day. CT, I know it's the end of the quarter hang in there!
My books from Amazon came, "Moon Over Madeline Island" and "Return to Madeline Island." Both about a woman who moved from Eau Claire to Madeline Island. That reminds me, I need to buy a lottery ticket!
So this afternoon is knit and read, not necessarily in that order. I have started the pearl stitch on the sweater. I am not sure it looks right so it is on hold until I can confer with the guild. Threade Bear is open late on Thursday's (I think), should we plan a joint venture????
Hope all my knitting friends are having a good day. CT, I know it's the end of the quarter hang in there!
What Cookies???

Ryan Beck yelling "who ate all of Mrs. Taylor's Cookies." "I wanted some of those cookies when I got home." "Those were good cookies!"
Megan Beck "Mom you have the best friends." "Mom, I love your friends."
Marc Beck "Chicken & rice, I love chicken & rice!"
Me . . . "yes I love my friends too, they are very good me." They are my blessing! Words cannot express what your friendships mean to me! Thank you.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Socks indeed!
Wow! Those are beautiful. I feel very untalented. My socks look more like bent tubes. I started the second on for my MIL's birthday, and all ready they are not the same size. I am in the ribbing for pete's sake!!
Since her birthday is Nov 16, I need to concentrate on getting them done, so the cardigan will be slow going until they are done. Although, I would rather work onthe cardigan.
NK continue to take care of yourself! Your knitting career is at stake.
CB good luck with the nursing duties!
Since her birthday is Nov 16, I need to concentrate on getting them done, so the cardigan will be slow going until they are done. Although, I would rather work onthe cardigan.
NK continue to take care of yourself! Your knitting career is at stake.
CB good luck with the nursing duties!

A photo! Woo Hoo! A new step in the Blog World. How much fun is that! My socks, I love my socks. Everyone should knit socks.
Koigu Vacation socks on the far right, Yarn Harlot Koigu socks (knit them because the Harlot was coming), Cascade socks, on the needles Koigu socks. I really like the contrast heel on all of them. Maybe for the next pair I will do something daring like a cable.
Problem with the top down cardigan. Maybe if I feel brave this later to day I will try and fix it w/out ripping it out. Or I might just sit down with my sock and ignore the cardigan.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Shhhh . . . He's sleeping!
Yes, he is home! Somehow it seems a little early to be home, after a 4 level lumbar laminectomy, but I was assured he is doing well. And he does have a very big bottle of Vicodan. I bought him healthy snacks, and made him some soup. The highlight of his day was watching "We Were Soldiers" with Ryan. And quite frankly it gave me a few minutes alone!
Not much knitting is right CT. One medical procedure and one surgery really slows down the whole knitting thing. But look at how much you have done for Christmas! You are leaving the rest of us in the dust.
But WOW the friendship thing. Thank you all so much for all you have done for us the last three days. You have been amazing! And I must it admit, it made my life easier. It really is so hard to accept help. I am trying!
I think I will now go pull the last load out of the dryer for the day. At the last minute I threw in some fleece blankets. Hope you all are having a lovely evening.
Not much knitting is right CT. One medical procedure and one surgery really slows down the whole knitting thing. But look at how much you have done for Christmas! You are leaving the rest of us in the dust.
But WOW the friendship thing. Thank you all so much for all you have done for us the last three days. You have been amazing! And I must it admit, it made my life easier. It really is so hard to accept help. I am trying!
I think I will now go pull the last load out of the dryer for the day. At the last minute I threw in some fleece blankets. Hope you all are having a lovely evening.
Out of touch
Wow the guild has been so busy, none of us has been able to "blog" (is that what you call it?) With all the medical stuff this week, knitting has taken a backseat, but not the friendship.
I finished the mulitdirectional scarf and have put it in the holiday gift pile. I have 3 birthdays and Christmas to continue to prepare for. I think everyone should always keep a MD scarf handy, what a quick easy gift, but it looks so complicated! My favorite kind of knitting.
NK continue to take it easy, give me a call if you need anything.
CB I will talk to you today, but call if you need anything.
AJ the girls are having fun at Luther thanks to you and all your fine work at Club 78!
I finished the mulitdirectional scarf and have put it in the holiday gift pile. I have 3 birthdays and Christmas to continue to prepare for. I think everyone should always keep a MD scarf handy, what a quick easy gift, but it looks so complicated! My favorite kind of knitting.
NK continue to take it easy, give me a call if you need anything.
CB I will talk to you today, but call if you need anything.
AJ the girls are having fun at Luther thanks to you and all your fine work at Club 78!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Oh No!
Yikes CB, I did not do the math on that top down cardigan. Here I am with 54 stitches between my back markers, so I am a ways in here. (almost one ball of yarn). I hope it all works out.
Good luck to you and Ronbo tomorrow. The guild will be praying and worrying as needed. Thank goodness you don't have family coming, they just get in the way. Remember to call if you or the kids need any rides or help in any way. The guild is here to serve.
NK, take another day off. Take care of yourself.
Good luck to you and Ronbo tomorrow. The guild will be praying and worrying as needed. Thank goodness you don't have family coming, they just get in the way. Remember to call if you or the kids need any rides or help in any way. The guild is here to serve.
NK, take another day off. Take care of yourself.
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