Monday, March 05, 2007

Happy Monday

The aroma of the Guild's soup was apparently very overwhelming! I had email's and comments about it all morning long. Hopefully after heavenly aroma after the service, many people will be inspired to come to lunch on Wednesday, they by donating monies for the children’s trip accounts!

Baby socks! I have knit five pair since last week. I am telling you they are a breeze. It’s kind of like reading a light, easy on the brain book after reading something heavy. I am counting the days (27) until the cities trip. (BTW it is now officially under 100 days to the lake, in case you were wondering.) Sock yarn, Lord help me it is an addiction.

Tonight will be The Girl’s Forensic meet which was postponed after last weeks storm, followed by the The Girl’s & The Boy #2, choir concert at NHS. Going to be a long evening . . . no knitting tonight for me.

Don’t forget no purchasing anything yarn related until your gifts arrive (when I explain why they are so late you think I am a total ditz).


NK said...

100 days seems like a long time but really is not. That means I have less than 100 days to get the house and yard in order for the open house for girl #1 KMK and her graduation open house. YIKES!!!!
I will be waiting for the gift, can't figure out what it is.
Hope we have enough soup for the hungry people.

CT said...

100 days until the Island. I think I can make it. I think I can, I think I can. I shall repeat that over and over again until we get in the car to head north. Perhaps by then I will the green top down done.