So how tired to you have to be NOT to go out after a football game? Pretty damn tired. After last week it was all I could do NOT to lay down on the street and take a nap. But the first week of school is done, and one more pasta feed done (only six more to go)!
It was the first week of school, confirmation registration (Wednesday Night), pasta feed, Akaloo meeting, Purly Gates meeting (all Thursday evening, two of them at 6:30). Plus work, Friday night football, company coming on Friday and chaos at work. Yuck. My company did leave on Saturday, followed closely by grocery shopping and a wedding. Saturday afternoon The Girl and I made home made meatball and spaghetti for supper, apple crisp for dessert, and a salad with all ingredients from the garden (yummy). Sunday 2:00 a.m. The Girl came down with the stomach flu, a very bad version of the stomach flu. Hubby and The Boy V1 left at 6:00 a.m. for the Packer Game (the WON). I went to church to organize a reception for Pastor Mary (who taught the four of us to knit). When I came home I found my daughter on the bathroom room floor sleeping. Not good. Her temp managed to rise to 104.2 in the afternoon. I finally got some Ibuprofen to stay down and she slept on the couch off and on while I knit this, and watched the game. When her temp finally started to come down, she did manage to keep down some jell-O, and we watched "Phantom of the Opera" on the big screen. I did however miss the guild meeting.
Whew . . . all in favor of a much quieter week say AYE. Motion carried.
Whew . . . all in favor of a much quieter week say AYE. Motion carried.
In the meantime CT’s son ZT seems to be recovering nicely, as long as stupid high school students don’t smack him in the shoulder (the bad one) and ask him what happened to his shoulder. NK’s dog, Santana seems to be getting better also. NK however is still having issues. ASJ needs volunteer work and I plan on keep her busy.
I did manage however, to finish The Girl’s socks. But I still need to weave in the ends. Knitting time . . . not much. Can we have a Guild Meeting next Sunday???
I just want to say THANK YOU ANNIE J for the pizza money, I used it for a family dinner with my room mate and her friend, thank you so much!
And what a week it was. I agree, almost too tired to knit.
And yes, we should guild again next Sunday. NK has that big TV to watch the game.
I will be out of town but you are more than welcome to watch the big TV at my house. CB knows how to get in the door. Am in the big twin cities this weekend with the family. I will stock the fridge down stairs with beverages for you if you so desire. ;)
hey - glad to know gbt had some fun at college....(difficult as that may be)
and......poor cb! yikes - just call me when you have work for me. NK's house won't be the same without her, but I'm sure we'll manage! Love that TV!
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