If you could see my suitcase you would totally understand. Going to the lake on Wednesday, returning on Monday. What to pack? Well let’s see, it is after all only June and we are talking Lake Superior. If the wind comes in from the Northeast, it will be flipping cold. So jeans, (1) sweats (2), sweatshirts (2), long-sleeved T’s (2) fleece, socks, slippers, and warm p.j.’s. Then again, it could be warm; there have been some warmish days up there in June, so that means shorts (2), T.’s shirts (2), sandals, and summer p.j.’s (total number of p.j.’s 2). Okay, then a towel, wash cloth, movies, shoes, jacket. Sleeping bag, swift, MY KNITTING STUFF and food. Hmmmm, times that by FOUR. Could be someone will need to ride on the top of Yukon.
Cabin keys, can’t forget those. At least they don’t take up a lot of space, and they are fairly crucial to the success of the trip (Cousin Evie has extras in case I would forget). TP I discovered was on no one’s list, I added it to mine, also crucial since I don’t plan on knitting TP. NK is bringing body wash and tooth brushes . . . what am I forgetting? Do I have room for anything else? Am I taking too much.
Cabin keys, can’t forget those. At least they don’t take up a lot of space, and they are fairly crucial to the success of the trip (Cousin Evie has extras in case I would forget). TP I discovered was on no one’s list, I added it to mine, also crucial since I don’t plan on knitting TP. NK is bringing body wash and tooth brushes . . . what am I forgetting? Do I have room for anything else? Am I taking too much.
Hah! Don't think of it as too much stuff...think of it as Options! Have a fun trip!
I started last night putting out my clothes, I may get kicked out of the guild, I can only find 3 of my Chicks shirts! Yikes, (double that---lost shirt and what does my closet look like!) I have made my lists and I am checking them twice just to make sure. I am TOO flippin' excited about leaving tomorrow.
You can never have too many options.
Sunscreen & bug stuff!
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