Is applying sunscreen a right, privilege or obligation? I checked with Webster's dictionary and I believe it is an obligation. An obligation we should not take lightly or be hostile about. Something we must do and unfortunately, do well. Because if we don't.........
Let's just say that now I may have lost the privilege to apply sunscreen independently, just like NK. We took the boat out yesterday for the 1st time this summer. It was a beautiful day on Lake Wissota (although I did not get to spend much time actually in the boat, I spent 3 1/2 hrs of the day in the blazing sun on the sand bar---perhaps I should stop there, I am still quite cranky about the whole affair) the kids enjoyed tubing and the day in the water. But due to my in ability to apply sunscreen and MMT's inability to apply sunscreen to my back (and the ordeal on the shore) I have several areas that are torched. Oops. So next summer on the Island, CB and ASJ will be quite busy applying sunscreen to NK and I.
After we finaly got home and cleaned up, I did try to knit during an re- run of Deadliest Catch, I was too fried from the day. I put the vest down and dozed off.
I am glad that I am not the only one who cannot apply suntan lotion by myself. You said that they make spray and that I should do that. Try some aloe vera gel by Panama Jack( it's not sticky like the others) and that will help you out. Have a good time.
Oh please . . . not you too! Why were yout on a sand bar for so long? How torched, blistering torched??? Apparently we need to travel together always!
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