Well I think the little digital has given up. Still no photos. Poor thing. I wonder if smacking it around would do any good?
On the knitting front, I have one cabled sock almost complete! Yeah. But the urge to cast something else on is great. With the dreaded pink cardigan done, I am ready to add something else to the mix! I have ten skeins of Lopi, I was thinking I would knit the hooded vest from Knitting Pure and Simple. Knit it extra big and felt it slightly. Waddathink? I also have the sheep farmer stuff, four green skeins, two burgundy skeins, and one mustard yellow skein. What on earth was I thinking? After looking at it I am thinking Elizabeth Zimmerman rib warmers for gifts. Color work right now is not very appealing. the very thought of it gives me a headache.
Island Mapping . . . we leave early. I will be picking up the first rider at 8:00 a.m. NK, CT and finally AJ (the seat will be on and warm by time I pick you up).
- On to Spooner/Shell Lake for the Pottery Shed. While our mugs are being fired, we will walk YARN STOP, to the local yarn store (this will count towards the day’s constitutional as will all walking we do this day).
- Then on to Hayward with a stop at the Dairy Queen.
- Next a YARN STOP, Pines and Needles yarn store in Cable. (Y-Turn)
Moving on to Washburn, Holiday Station for gas, then a YARN STOP at Quilting Essentials. (AJ, do you want to stop at DQ again?)
- On to Bayfield, YARN STOP at the Bayfield Quilt Company, YARN STOP at Inspire, YARN STOP at Brownstone Center. Finally the grocery store in Bayfield so AJ can pick up ice cream.
- Then . . . :-) Anchor's Aweigh!
I do like the list of things to do on the way to the island. My favorite is the stop in Shell Lake FINALLY!!!! June can not come soon enough for me. I am saving my money for the trip. I shall not stick to my list and am already thinking of things that need to be added.
Oh baby, I am sooooo excited! I can't wait for the Island trip and the adventure of getting there. Given all the expenses we have had today (tuition and car) I will have to sell my body to science for yarn money, but oh well. Ya gotta do whatcha gotta do!!
Oh, I'm sooooo excited I can't stand it. It's so warm out today, I'm sure I'll be able to swim in Lake Superior by June. Love the itinerary for getting there....DQ stops "might" have to be added. Or the ice cream shop in Hayward. As far as yarn $, I'm thinking about donating a little plasma.....that should do it!
After much careful thought, deliberation, and knowledge of my high density lipo proteins, I have decided that we can do with a single DQ stop for treats (Hayword) and then another just to pick up the frozen gold for the Island (Washburn). Whew! Am I excited or what!
Oh yes! My real name and account actually worked! I no longer have to be anonymous! Oh yay.
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