Or should I say stressed out knitting? Thanks to CB the blog has been maintained during the period of flux the entire Guild has been caught up in.
For me the flux started May 9th. My beloved FIL had a massive stroke and we spent the next 2 1/2 weeks making difficult decisions and saying good bye to him. While caught up in this emotional situation, I had lots of time to knit. Some of my knitting was better than others. Since I am not as skilled as CB, my pictures are not in the correct order.
When we first got to Duluth, I was still in the "use up the nasty blue yarn phase". My third and I hope final project with the blue yarn was a youth size top down vest. I decided to seed stitch it in an attempt to use up more yarn. It still needs the neck ribbing done, I hope to finish it this week.Then it is going in the Silent Auction box and lord I hope someone buys it.

Once we got Fritz to hospice in Hayward I had access to Pine Needles (a delightful yarn store). My SIL and I made 2 trips out there. The first time we picked up the yarn for a felted tote. As the situation grew more stressful with my FIL I knit faster and faster. Good thing it was a simple project. My SIL did a nice job pick

Finally, while at Pine Needles, I got yarn for yet another baby sweater. My SIL helped me pick out a nice green variegated yarn, that I trimmed with the left over lime green from her hand bag. Looks really sweet. I have the button bands to put on today and weave in the ends. While at Pine Needles I bought yarn for a bulky baby sweater (Cascade 109 tweed--pink) and my Island project. I guess buying yarn helped me deal with the situation with my FIL. Better than alcohol? (oh, yeah I had plenty of that to take the edge off too).
School is out, my stress has transferred to ASJ (I am so sorry for that). I am happy to be done with school. ZT is in Germany and GBT in Green Bay for the summer. So all I have to do is trek MMT to her travel soccer games and knit. I can do that.
Thanks Guild girls for all your support last month, I would not have survived with out you.
NK: the baking with GBT
CB: the patio, thank you, I was avoiding that.
ASJ: all the phone calls just when I need to hear the voice of reason.
1 comment:
You are very welcome . . . I can't wait to see your knit items in person!
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