New shops were Needle Work Unlimited Outlet store, Linden Hills Yarn Shop, Knitting from the Heart and the Yarn Garage. Plus we had lunch at a new (to us) place, Cafe 28. Cafe 28 was great. One of the best burgers I have ever had. I would definitely eat there again. The owner of Linden Hills is quite sweet and recommened Cafe 28.

But as far as yarn goes. I can’t wait to get back to the Yarn Garage! WOW! Floor to ceiling yarn, seriously. I kid you not. If you have never been there, get yourself there quick. We are already planning a trip back. I never even made it back to the sock yarn. So I really must return. I think we all agree we need to get back there for sure before our knitting retreat. A day trip!
I was a good girl, I only bought one skein of sock yarn. Some Cherry Tree Hill in lovely blues and greens. Then I added some Nashua Equinox Stripe Yarn colorway "Storm." Which shall become the Knitting Pure & Simple Weekend Jacket. I picked up this book "Fitted Knits." Plus another Knitting Pure & Simple pattern, a cable scarf pattern, and some needles to knit the aforementioned jacket.
So the polka dots. Owner Steve (we love Steve) of the Yarn
Twice now I have tried to post this. First the computer didn’t want to go to the post page, second time I was interrupted by having to leave. Let’s hope I can finally get this uploaded. And as long as I have a little time I will post a little more!
The hotel messed with our reservation. The poor desk clerk was dreading our arrival all day. But they ended up giving us two very nice separate mini suites (instead of the mammoth suite we reserved) so we could sit and knit together. And a huge discount. So we go there again!
I did manage to finish another EZ Baby Surprise. But surprise . . . I ran out of yarn. Grrrr. I had one skein of orange Cascade 220, plus my Schaefer Little Miss Priss leftovers. Three rows to go and I stopped. I rummaged thru my stash and found some leftover red Cascade 220. Managed the last three rows, plus I went around the neck. Then wala . . . no red! Too close for comfort.
1 comment:
Happy B-Day CB!
Great post! It made me giggle, espeically when I think about the Yarn Garage. NK and I called Steve, our bags should be here this week. :)
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