I am back from my whirlwind tour of Europe. 11 days, 5 countries, can you say "coach liner bus"? We arrived home to Eau Claire about 1am Saturday morning after 26 hours of travel.
As for the trip, it truly was a whirlwind, get ready----landed in Frankfurt Germany off to: Rothenberg, Munich (Dachau too) Innsbruck (Austria), Venice and Verona (Italy), Lucerne (Switzerland), Heidelberg (back to Germany) and Paris (France) and home again via Dallas.
We saw lots of stuff on the days we were not trapped on the bus, highlights included: Dachau, Munich Hitler walk (can you tell I am a history teacher) gondola ride in Venice, Mt. Pilates in Lucerne, beer in Lucerne (with British men!!!), several castles in Germany and the Eiffel Tour and the plane home. 

The trip was complicated by several factors, our group was huge, (we were promised to be alone) so that was hard, our additional students were middle schoolers, which sucked.(We are a high school group). We had a kid get stung by a sea urchin in Venice, one develop seizures in Venice that were so bad in Lucerne the paramedics were called by (wouldn't you love to get that bill) they got worse as the trip went on, my foot swelled up like a balloon(started in Munich day 3 and did not get better until Paris) and I developed a nasty rash on my legs. (25 Euro from the Italian pharmacy and I was good to go).
I did see a yarn store in Heidelberg, but did not have a chance to go in to shop, but Guild girls I was thinking of you! Next trip to Europe will be with adults and at my own pace, no more of this sprinting through the Alps.
Next adventure?? The Island!
1 comment:
At least you took of photo of the yarn store! So glad you are back in EC. Can't wait to see you tomorrow. Those MS student, ick . . . Go go take a nap!
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