I'm back! Kind of dreading work today, I must admit . . . oh well. Thirty some days and I will back on the island with the chicks!

It was a lovely vacation, (any vacation is lovely), two glorious weeks away from computers, publications, etc. Only two days of rain, the water however was very, very cold (brrrr), I didn't go snorkeling once. RRB (husband), who spent his summers on the island growing up (all summer long, we feel bad for him NOT) even said it was cold (not "refreshing"). Fishing was successful, RRB (son) caught a lovely brown trout (22 inches, 4 lbs) so he was very happy. The second week not much fishing. It was incredibly wavy, way too wavy to fish. MWB had his usual allergy issues whilst at the lake, but all in all did well and had a good time in spite of the sneezing. MSB also had a great time shopping, tanning, etc. (although she did have good days and bad days). AJ . . . she did have ice cream, and several smoothies, you would have been proud!
I did knit on the cloudy days; I finished a scarf for my niece, and knit several dish rags. I also taught my niece to knit. We shall see . . . I am not sure she will continue, but she did buy a knitting book on the island and was perusing patterns and marking them. My parents made a surprise trip up with my niece from South Carolina (she is nine), she ended up spending the rest of the week with us. She also wants to learn how to knit.

While I was gone SSK watered for me. My baskets are beautiful! My garden, although well watered took a varmint hit while I was gone. No bean plants, only bean sticks. I am still not sure what has been eating them, but they certainly went after them quite voraciously. Buggers. They also managed to destroy some perennials. My peas however are fine. Go figure. It is usually my pea plants that are gone . . . they have never eaten the bean plants and the tic seed. We did have the addition of five baby blue birds!
I also did some knitting reconnaissance while there. Fly Away Fleece Farm on the island which produces its own yarn, fleece, etc., has a brochure. I picked it up. We can make an appointment; go see the animals and shop. Sheep, goats & lamas! Mad Island Weaver is now on the mainland. I say we just poke our heads in the door and check it out. There are some other places on the mainland that sell yarn downtown. And AJ . . . there is a new ice cream shop downtown (at least I think it is new), "Sweet Sailing." So we will have to pace ourselves where ice cream is concerned!

We actually came home a little early (Saturday night), which I will be honest. It was nice to have Sunday and Monday, to do laundry, unpack, etc. But our ride on the ferry. Oh baby. In the twenty some years that RRB and I have been together, I have never had a ferry ride like it. Did well roll . . . MSB had taken her bonine before we left (car sick) she still had her head between her legs. MWB was not too thrilled with the ride either, RRB (son) was taking photos and having a great time, RRB (husband and old Navy Man), was unaffected by it all. I actually got out onto the deck (after we past the worst of it).

Well I guess I better post this and get to work. AJ, hope SJ's Dr. appointment goes well! NK, tell SK I will come over with a check this week, sorry I couldn't talk to her last night. I was on the phone with Mom, Dad is having surgery the end of this month. I needed to get the details from her while she was in a talkative mood!
(Published a day late, I was having photo problems!)