Who has “Cabin Fever?” I do. I have two kinds of “Cabin Fever.” First the one I always have. The snow needs to melt, the air warm, the ice needs to be gone. I want to go to the cabin! As you can see by the countdown on the right. The chicks are now under 100 days to our annual cabin trip. For some reason they
(me too) feel compelled to travel to the cabin every year. Sans, husbands, children and dogs. Just us. We knit, we eat, we shop for yarn, and what ever else we can find.

“Cabin Fever” two, was a birthday gift from my dear knitting friends. Sock yarn, Claudia
Handpaints (for moi) and the colorway is “Cabin Fever.” Can you tell I am enthralled with this yarn. The purple hues in the yarn remind me of the lupines on the island
(which by the way are always in full bloom when the chicks are there). So thank you my friends, truly it is the perfect gift!
Today I went to the local
LYS with the “Yarn Teacher.” I used to work with the YT
(she left for greener pastures). She taught all four of the chicks to knit
(we were all in the same class). We had lunch and at the
LYS we did this! I think I was number 427. So he has a way to go. I also heard that some of the knitters from the cities were going to be there. I heard Bead Slut’s name mentioned but I
did not see her anywhere.

Here is my new toy. I had some gift certificates, with instructions to purchase something I normally would not. Well this is it. I must admit I have looked at them, but never felt I actually had to have one
(depsite the fact my children have them). Maybe mom should have one for her walks with the dog? Why not? But what a lot of work. I apparently have way to many
cd’s. Then once you get them on, you then organize play lists, then I had issues with every
cd that was entitled “Greatest Hits” they all wanted to be together in one album. I am still missing my “Journey’s Greatest Hits.” Can’t find it anywhere.
And I do have one episode
(the pilot) of “Big Bang Theory.” My daughter loves the show, and I do too! And now that the writers strike is over, we will finally get a new episode this coming week.
No guild this week,
NK is skiing with the family,
ASJ is on a mission trip with her daughter. Only CT and I are left in town. I
believe that CT is going to see GT in Green Bay this week. It will be lovely not wake children in the morning. I will have the whole house to myself as they sleep. No rushing, no searching for shoes, jackets, papers, etc. So I am considering it down time for myself also.