So first I had the yucky yarn hat and mittens, 2 sets no less, now Aunt D gave me a hat her friend had knit her that was too big, she ripped it out and wants me to knit it again for her. What am I some sort of knitting machine? At least this project is easy and the yarn is quality natural fibers. But why couldn't she bring it back to said knitter friend? Sheesh!
So the big holiday/hunting season is over. I saw a picture of CB's buck (yep our little CB is a hunter). I guess she is such a crack shot, she shot one of the prongs off the antler. Who knew? We will have the last of the turkey leftovers for dinner on tonight and then Thanksgiving 2007 will be officially over. Then on to the next big holiday----yikes!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Yucky yarn v. natural fibers

I realize I have not posted in several weeks, it seems a few things got away from me. First there was the knitting of the hat and mittens on the yucky yarn, then there was the knitting of the second set of hat and mittens on the same yucky yarn.(notice there were no pictures taken of either set of hat and mittens) Then there was the death virus revisited, combined with the football banquet, egg roll sale and end of quarter. That was a bad week. Then there was this week, it was a better week, MMT turned 15, the boy started swim and GBT came home for the week for Thanksgiving. I have put that all the bad knitting memories of the yucky yarn behind me. Onward to bigger and better knitting projects--projects on natural fibers.
A friend of MMT's ask me to knit her a scarf to match these funky flip mittens she bought. While on the yarn hop earlier this month, CB used her yarn shopping abilities to help me find Cascade 220 to match (as best we could) the scarf. It took all 3 stores we visited to find 4 skeins of Cascade 220 for the project. I matched the pattern in mittens and knit the scarf, I had so much yarn left, I knit her a hat too. (modeled by GBT)
So now that I have knit for everyone on the planet, I can get back to my half sweater and second sock for the sock knit a long that ended Oct. 31. I think I will cast on some mittens, a little comfort knitting for me after the yucky yarn mittens.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Preparation is the KEY!

We stopped in Roberts on the way to the cities to visit Color Crossings. (Okay, let me inject here that as we went from yarn shop to yarn shop we were followed by other knitters that we knew from EC!) A hidden gem, truly it is! Did you know they have handpainted Cascade 220?? Beautiful!
Detour to Stillwater after listening to NK rave about "The Fun Sisters" store. Purses, sure we like purses. We had the time, why not make it a quick detour. So we did. CT practiced restraint and bought nothing (she did mention that her husband would not believe the fact she went into this store and bought nothing).
The trip to The Yarnery was wonderful as usual. Thank you Sarah, sorry we missed you. I stocked up on sock yarn. As usual. Heaven forbid I should break of my bubble. Koigu, Fleece Artist and Claudia sock yarns for me. ASJ picked up a cute little circular needle storage thingy. And CT (the one who is not knitting any more socks) picked up some Cherry Cordial Claudia sock yarn. Very pretty! Hopefully I will finish my socks again this month for Socks in the Cities! Nothing like incentive to make you knit FASTER!

The trip was awesome. As Knitting Activities Director however, I think I dropped ball somewhat. Really where is this mysterious yarn shop in Woodbury? ASJ mentioned while we were at lunch. So we thought on our way home. Let’s swing by it. Really, how hard can it be to find, even though we don’t have an address, a name, nothing, we got nothing. Still we drove around, in the end we gave up and went to the Dairy Queen.
I am planning the trip for February 2008, an overnighter. I still have not decided what direction we should go. New territory??? North . . .South to Mad Town? Or shall we go West where there are more shops than we can hit in a two day period. What’s a chick to do? Thoughts, suggestions, comments are welcome! Have a shop to recommend, leave us a comment.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Power Knitting Shoppers...or is it Knitting Power Shoppers?
The trip to the various yarn stores in the cities was a success. Especially if you count a great lunch at Cafe Latte' and a stop at a (new-to-me) Dairy Queen! Was I thrilled to find that, or what!?! Four crazy women (one of whom pulled the silent-laughing trick at least twice), maneuvered their way through three yarn stores (tried to find a 4th store, but found a DQ instead) and a purse store, and we were even home for that's power shopping at its finest. CB bought a new purse at the designer purse knock-off store, so she's sporting a new bag and looking quite stunning, I must say. I'm totally loving my new circular needle holder, and I'm inspired to finish my fair isle mittens, so I can start on some more. I've kind of ditched the scarf theme for the time being, and am back on mittens. I figured it would happen sooner or later, but I did get bored with my scarves, and now they're just there to be picked up for mindless knitting. Still working (no, laboring) on my socks.......and I did NOT buy any more sock yarn! Tempted as I was, I didn't get sucked in, even at the 15% off price. We got all the yarn swifted, so I can't wait for the next trip!
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