I realize I have not posted in several weeks, it seems a few things got away from me. First there was the knitting of the hat and mittens on the yucky yarn, then there was the knitting of the second set of hat and mittens on the same yucky yarn.(notice there were no pictures taken of either set of hat and mittens) Then there was the death virus revisited, combined with the football banquet, egg roll sale and end of quarter. That was a bad week. Then there was this week, it was a better week, MMT turned 15, the boy started swim and GBT came home for the week for Thanksgiving. I have put that all the bad knitting memories of the yucky yarn behind me. Onward to bigger and better knitting projects--projects on natural fibers.
A friend of MMT's ask me to knit her a scarf to match these funky flip mittens she bought. While on the yarn hop earlier this month, CB used her yarn shopping abilities to help me find Cascade 220 to match (as best we could) the scarf. It took all 3 stores we visited to find 4 skeins of Cascade 220 for the project. I matched the pattern in mittens and knit the scarf, I had so much yarn left, I knit her a hat too. (modeled by GBT)
So now that I have knit for everyone on the planet, I can get back to my half sweater and second sock for the sock knit a long that ended Oct. 31. I think I will cast on some mittens, a little comfort knitting for me after the yucky yarn mittens.
Yeah you get to knit for numero uno!
Lovely hat and scarf! You truly do knit like the wind. I think I get a lot more mileage out of the yarn I buy - - - knitting it many more times than just once!
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